
My blog

Hello! Today, I will take about my blog. By the way, do you have a blog? Also, how times do you update your blog in a week? Writing blog is very hard for me because I don’t think of idea much. Moreover, we have to write 10000 words even at last in this term. And I have to write 15000 words in autumn term. So, it is very hard for me. I had ever made my blog, but I have never lasted long. Also, I was at a loss very much first because I have to write blog in English for the first time. However, I think that I am getting much better in writing more and more. Also, I like exchanging a background of my blog, so it is very interesting for me! I want to improve my ability in English more. I want to write what I felt every day from now on! So, I do my best and want to update my blog hard this year!!


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