
Vacation plans

Summer vacation is just around the corner! Do you have summer vacation plan? Also, what do you do in this summer? Today, I will take about my summer vacation plan. First, I promised my old friends go to Tokyo Disneyland someday when we were a high school student. Why we go to in Tokyo, because our friend of high school days lives in the Kanto area. Moreover, we want to visit a lot of tourist spots in Tokyo. I want to go “Tokyo sora machi”, “Shibya hikarie” and 109, in particularly. Also, Tokyo skytree is very famous recently. However, we may not meet the friend of living in Chiba because of she has on-the-job training this summer vacation. So, we hope that meet her! However, I don’t have money much, so I have to save money!! Secondly, I’m going to go to the sea with my classmate. So, we are planning about it now. Thirdly, I will meet my friend after a long time. She was a former colleague of part-time job, and I resigned part-time job in June, too. However, we are good friend! So, I look forward to summer vacation!


1 件のコメント:

Tetsu さんのコメント...

Summer vacation is just around the corner!

What does it mean??
S/V coming soon?that what did you want to say that?